too boring waiting for the tangkap gambar yang ntah apa2lah
alat2 yang digunakan untuk IUD excited watching the baby on the screen
the room for in vitro fetilization
fertility outpatient clinic
my first experience watching cesarean
dulu ana ingatkan kat bilik bedah cuma perlukan doctor dan nurse je rupanya pelbagai lagi kepakaran lain yang di perlukan
MUH stand for Mansoura University Hospital
O & G department form outside
part of hospital
this sign for operation room
my second week clinical attachment
agak mewah jugalah kalau ikut standard mesir
SMH stand for Specialized Medical Hospital
from outside
doctors make an endoscope on the patient
our GIT on the screen
the patient suffer from severe jaundice.all her stomach full with blood
room where the doctor make an endoscope on the patient
kecik je tempat ni
endoscope machine
terharu bila nampak anak2 yang bawa parent jumpa doktor
i don't know why i feel so sorry on this patient(the man)
from outside the gastrointestinal and hepatology outpatient clinic
my last day clinical attcahment
ana wish i could make another clinical attachment at the other department.and insya Allah next year i wish i'm able to make an attachment in malayasia