Alhamdulillah tepat pada pukul 1 petang pada 20 ogos 2011 ana telah selamat menamatkan attachment ana di O&G Department.The best thing I want to share is ana dah berjaya melihat sendiri vaginal delivery.Pppppeeeerrrrgggghhhh even not ana yang give birth to the baby but ana seolah-olah boleh rasa what the patient feel.Sooooooo painfull.When ana sampai je kat emergency unit tu there is a patient dah selamat give a birth.So i was so excited to see the baby.But you know ajal maut all in Allah's hand.It is an intra fetal death case.What?????????Dah payah2 bersalinkan anak yang hanya Allah je tahu how the pain feel but at the end there is no baby.So saddddd.But for me I was sad not only because the baby was dead but ana tak berpeluang to see the moment when the baby keluar from the mother's vagina.So ana x puas hati ana pegi masuk wad yang menempatkan patient yang wait for the delivery.Then suddenly I heard one of the patient scream.Wow that's it.My turn to see the vaginal delivery.So I ask the doctor either the patient will give vaginal delivery or cesarean.The doctor's answer make me smile sampai ke telinga.He said"she will give a normal(vaginal) delivery".Yes!That my chance.So I wait for the patient.Now the patient wait for the opening of the vagina.We are waiting for that since 10.15 a.m.Ana pun menunggu dengan penuh kesabaran.Every time the doctor examine the patient I must ask him what he doing and ask for what.The patient was given oxytocin to make an uterus contraction.The most question i'm asking to the doctor is "dr how long we have to wait?"Apalah ana ni.Apa ingat dr tu tuhan ke nak tentukan exact time orang nak bersalin.The only answer from the doctor we just wait until the vaginal opening about 10 cm(3 fingers).Ok.Sabar jelah.
Tetiba satu jeritan yang teramatlah kuat come out from the patient.Aaaarrrggghhh trauma...........Sakitnya.Walaupaun bukan ana yang bersalin tapi cukup dengan mendengar jeritan pesakit ana dapat rasa kesakitan walaupun x sama.SSSSAAAAKKKKIIITTT PPPPPAAAIIINNNN.So the doctor examine the fetal heart beat.Wow syok giler.The doctor give me a chance to heard too.So sweet.Besarnya dan agungnya ciptaan Allah yang menciptakan kita.Satu nyawa mampu hidup dalam nyawa yang lain.Miracle.Tungu punya tunggu sampai ana pun dah naik bosan dan naik lali dengan jeritan patient tu jam pun dah menunujukkan 12.30 p.m.Can you imagine?How our mum can stand for that pain berjam-jam.Malah the doctor said that vaginal delivery is a journey.That patient suffer from labour pain seince yesterday.Wwwwaaahhhtttt?Kalau ana tak tau lah macam mana.Tak lama lepas tu 2 orang doctor dah terpaksa yang conduct one patient.Tetiba patient tu kena angkat ke satu bilik dan semua doctor-doctor dan nurse-nurse berlari-lari anak ke bilik yang sama.Ana pun yang dok syok sangat baca nota sepanjang attachment ana blur for a moment.Apa lagi ana pun berlagaklah macam doktor berlari juga.Lepas tu terfikir "Eh buat apa aku lari?"So I'm asking the doctor is it the patient want to deliver the baby now?Without seeing my face the doctor said YES!Apa lagi ana pun dengan penuh semangat ikutlah juga.Wwaaahhhh mudahnya patient tu nak bersalin.Baring je kat katil kepala baby dah keluar.BABY BOYYYYYYY.So cute.Wek wek wek.3.20 kg.Now the mum can smile even she still feel pain.I'm so excited seeing that baby even the baby have no any relation with me.That's all.Everything is done dah nak dekat2 pukul 1petang.Alhamdulillah.Lahir lagi seorang bakal penegak islam.AMIN
On my way to go to home I start to think "Macam mana lah mak aku boleh tahan sakit macam tu sekali sebanyak 8 kali?Dasyat ooooo".Before this ana think when we want to give birth we just feel pain during delivery.But ana totally salah.We will feel very very very very pain before,during and after delivery.Wow.Before delivery it's very pain for the vaginal opening.During delivery it's very pain during the baby is come out.And after delivery it's very pain during jahitan kita nak recover and when the doctor examine us.And di sebabkan kesakitan2 yang ana tengok nilah ana macam x berapa fikir keseronokan je kalau fikir nak ada anak.Macam TARAUMA.
so my advise to all reader yang bergelar anak(semua nya bergelar anak kan?kalau tak macam mana reader sekalian boleh ada kat dunia ni) janganlah sia-sia kan mak kita.Sakit dia nak lahirkan kita.Bagi yang lahir by cesarean jangan ingat mak kita tak rasa sakit.Sakit juga especially masa naK recover.
To my mak maaf sebab saya mak terpaksa rasa kesakitan yang teramat.Dan terima kasih sebab saya mak sanggup berkorban.X de apa yang boleh saya cakap cuma TERIMA KASIH BANYAK-BANYAK MAK.THANK YOU SO MUCH MUM.SYUKRAN JAZILLAN YA UMMI.
p/s:Bagi sapa2 yang rasa diri tu nak jadi atau dah jadi dah(dah declare pun) diri tu anak derhaka cuba pegi koyak korang punya kulit sikit.Sakit x?Kalau sakit ingatlah mak kita rasa jauh lagi sakit.Dan memang x de otak orang yang tak tau nak menghargai orang yang bersakit-sakit untuk dia
this is the site where the doctor examine the patient
the doctors and nurses which are responsible on patient who will give normal delivery
baby boyyy
cute right?ana terus rindu dengan anak buah
3.2 kg.he seem so small but quite heavy
machine where we put the baby to give them some heat
katil khas untuk orang bersalin.nampak tak macam tempat letak kaki tu?
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