Halaqah Ilmuan Muda is well known as HIM in Mansoura.Actually HIM is quite same as usrah or for those have no idea about usrah it's like BULATAN GEMBIRA.Kalau bulatan gembira pun tak tahu aku tak tahu nak cakap apa lagi.If you really have no idea about what usrah or bulatan gembira is, that mean your life is REALLY-REALLY DULL.Meh aku tunjuk why I'm saying that your life is dull if you never join any usrah throughout your life by showing you this video:
See, in this video clearly show that your life really dull if you never join usrah.
Heheheh actually what I'm wanna share today is HIM or Halaqah Ilmuan Muda.Just 2 days ago I was in one of bulatan gembira in Mansurah.The member of my HIM is myself, Syaza, Kak Hidayah, Kak Afifah, Nabila and Kak Anis.All of them really inspired me.They have their own brilliant opinion and knowledge to share.Our agenda on that day is ta'aruf session and 3 manhaj which given by Mentor Council.Oh I'm forgot to mention.Our HIM was conducted by Kak Hidayah and Kak Afifah.The rest of us just as an active member (active lah sangat).After we introduce ourselves we proceed to our main aim.Actually there is 3 main topic we had discussed.But I'm prefer to share with all of you just one topic which is:
Before I proceed wanna show you how cute our HIM 2 days ago.Hehehe (perasan sendiri).
May be some of you a little bit blur about this topic or you may have no idea about this topic (just like me).Ok let me explain this topic briefly.Actually this topic is all about BERPERSATUAN.YES!!!!!!We as a mahasiswa especially in Egypt I guess (not really sure in Malaysia) we are really encourage to be berpersatuan.Dengan kata lain bekerja tanpa gaji untuk orang lain.For those who are not really interested being active in any oraganization they will say that word "kerja tanpa gaji".It sound like something burden right?But for those quite interested in berpersatuan they will say "tolong orang lain setakat yang mampu".Nice word to be heard.And for me I'm prefer to say "tolong orang satakat yang mampu".
Always remember that the hand which is giving is more better than the hand which is receiving.
Let me ask you one question.Is it berpersatuan something beneficial?Once again for those assume berpersatuan is something burden they will say berpersatuan is wasting of time and will make you shift from your main aim coming here which is STUDY.No you are totally wrong my dear.Being berpersatuan have thousand and even milion or if you dare to say trillion of benefit.What are them?This is from my experience.What I get from being berpersatuan.
Yes before I'm joining any activity (I mean being berpersatuanlah) I only know Sabahan student in Mansurah.Only them.So sad right.I'm studying overseas but I just get too little number of friend.But after I decided to be active in persatuan I feel so happy.Everywhere is my friend .Everywhere I know other and vice versa.It seem like I have a really-really BIG FAMILY.Before I know them, if I get some problem I just can ask for help from my Sabahan friend.If they unable to help me I find a blind way.But everything was changed when I have thousands of friend.Most of my problem was solved by asking my friend that I find during my persatuan activity.
Number of my friend before berpersatuan.
Number of my friend after berpersatuan.Notice the difference?
By being active in persatuan I get many types of knowledge.Not only sharing from senior as a medical student.But I also get knowledge about how to handle some event.I get this chance when I was offered for being ahli jawatan kuasa for any event.I'm learning how to deal with some problem and how to communicate with others.For sure if I'm not take part in persatuan they will never know me and subsequently they never offer me any position.Besides by being their friend they always ask me to join kelas-kelas agama.Before knowing them I never know about these kelas-kelas agama.But when I was chating with them they told me about this kelas agama.So I feel so RUGI If I'm not taking this opportunity.For me Allah send me to Egypt not to study medicine only but also to grab all knowledge espcially ilmu-ilmu agama.This kelas agama is not easy to find in Malaysia as in Egypt.So this is my time.
I'll never forget the precious moment during kelas agama.
Hhhhmmm I think I'm able to describe for you only these 2 points.But this doen't mean only this two we can get if we berpersatuan.Actually there is a lot of thing.But my book already call me for reading them.(aku je yang boleh dengar panggilan-pangilan buku aku untuk membaca mereka).Overally there is many opportunity we can get if we berpersatuan.Besides friend and knowledge you also can join the activity like rehlah (jalan-jalan).Some people if there is rehlah then they will commit that they want to berpersatuan.But then if the activity is other than rehlah they start complaining that berperstuan is waste of time.They will give a million of excuse."banyak lagi tak baca untuk exam lah" "tak layak nak jadi AJK lah" "aku tak reti lah".Hhhhhmm pelase I'm not blame anyone.I just want we open our mind and give some of our energy for others.Others already give to us then this is our time to give others.I'm not saying that I'm already enough give others but aku pun masih dalam proses membaiki diri.So kita baiki diri masing-masing k.
One of sweet memory during rehlah which I get by berpersatuan.Balteem Beach.
Sebenarnya aku ni tak de lah aktif sangat pun.I'm writing this because I want to give spirit to myself.Exam round for ENT is just around the corner.But my aktiviti-aktivit persatuan still go on like HIM.So I just want to make myself calm and think positively about being berpersatuan.The only thing make me strong to tetap berpersatuan even sesibuk mana sekali pun this sentences:
So only these I wanna share with you.Pray for my coming exam.Wish me get above 35 marks over 40.Amin.
(Up to you how you want to translate these word.GOOD LUCK.Wish you find a true meaning for these word.Chaaaiiiyyyoookkk)
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